Do you start your days at full strength? Are you charged up and ready to go when it’s ‘Game Time’? Do you hit the ground ruing on Monday morning or are you hitting the snooze button and thinking, “Where are my shoes anyway?” Been there done that? I know I have. But lately, I really look forward to Monday mornings. You get a fresh start on the week and the ability to make it a great day. Most of us have some sort of a morning routine and for the most successful among us, that routine is carved in stone. The day starts in the early hours of the morning and, oftentimes before the sun is peeking over the horizon. Then they’ve got a few activities that they perform after getting up such as exercising, reading, prayer and meditation, daily and weekly planning, and journaling. If you don’t have some of these items built into your morning routine, you may want to give it a shot. It’s a game-changer and there have been several books written about it. I obviously didn’t develop the concept but I, too, touch on it in my book ,“Get Squared” a book that you should put on your reading list if you haven’t already.
Now, here’s the fun part. There are some Mondays or other days that you’re just not feeling it. Maybe your team lost the night before, maybe you were up later than normal, maybe you had a less than restful night sleep, or maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed before you even get started for the day. “Wait a minute, Paul, you said ‘here’s the fun part’. This doesn’t sound like fun!” You’re right. But when you’re not quite on and your morning coffee doesn’t snap you into it, you may have to go to…the secret weapon…The PLAYLIST! What’s The PLAYLIST? It’s a list of songs that pump you up…unfailingly! Without a doubt, you’re going to get up and run like the wind. Put your shoulder down and crash through a brick wall. Dive into the endzone and spike the ball. Or do your best Tiger fist pump after making that putt to win! Now if you have your 10 to 15 songs already in mind, congrats. If not, just search pump-up songs. I like a lot of the music that they play at NBA games during timeouts so you could start by searching for NBA pump-up songs and start working on your list. Below is my list and if I were to listen to these songs and NOT get an energy jolt, I probably wouldn’t have a pulse. Enjoy. Obviously, you should make your own list to match your music taste, yes, you could search for ‘best country music pump-up songs’ too! Make your own list but if you like mine, run with it.
By the way, we’ve got spots left in our “Get Squared” Group Coaching program so if you’re interested in finding out if you’re a match, click on the link below and then click on reserve a spot. We’re looking forward to seeing you online!
Our Get Squared Group Coaching Program is NOW AVAILABLE!!!!
My ‘Pump Up’ Playlist
- Black Eyed Peas – “Let’s Get it Started”
- Survivor – “Eye of the Tiger”
- Bill Conti – “Goa Fly Now” – Rocky Theme
- Van Halen – “Jump”
- Archie Eversole – “We Ready”
- Europe – “The Final Countdown”
- Guns N’ Roses – “Welcome to the Jungle”
- Van Halen – “Right Now”
- Eminem – “Lose Yourself”
- Queen – “We Will Rock You”
- C+C Music Factory – “Goa Make You Sweat”
- MC Hammer – “U Can’t Touch This”
- Tag Team – “Whomp! (There It Is)”
- AC/DC – “Back In Black”
- Run DMC and Aerosmith – “Walk This Way”
- Stevie Ray Vaughan – “Texas Flood”

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Also, a great first step to erasing the Anti-Goaler label is to grab a copy of my Amazon Best Selling book “Get Squared.”