The dreaded airport baggage claim. Is it carousel 6 or 8? Where is that display again? Yep, it’s carousel 6 and now the conveyer stopped ruing. All bags are out? All bags are out except yours. Over to the desk for some help. After a few minutes, the verdict is in. “We found your bags! But your golf clubs went to Virginia and your suitcase is in Washington state.” Have you ever had that happen to you? It’s less and less these days with technological advancements, but when it does happen it can really throw a wrench in your travel plans.

How about the baggage that you’d like to lose? Bad memories, mistakes made, regrets, failures in relationships and in business. You wouldn’t mind having that kind of baggage shipped to Alaska or maybe better Tasmania or someplace far, far away.

Allow yourself the ability to go with your gut, take calculated risks, and by all means, aim for success but don’t fear failure. You hear so many successful people talk about their failures along the way and what they do best is not let the failures define them. Instead, they let words and phrases like “Resilience”, “Determination”, “Competitor”, “Failing Forward”, “Never Say Die”, and “Swing for the Fences” rule their thinking.

I like Helen Keller’s quote because I think she says it best. “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.” If that didn’t hit you, read it again. If it doesn’t hit you when you read it again, consider the source and realize that she accomplished what she did without the benefit of the two most important senses, sight and hearing. She would have had every reason to just give up or never try in the first place, and nobody would have faulted her for it.

I’ll leave you with one more quote from Harriet Tubman. “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” You truly do have in you the strength, patience, and passion to dump your baggage. Quit letting it hold you back, and reach for the stars!

If you need help properly defining your stars and would like help getting you and your business to perform at its very best, let’s jump on a call and see if it would be a good fit for us to work together.