Oh, the good old days…when the only frightening thing about Corona occurred when you drank a few too many at a bar in Mexico, and you emerged from the restroom only to realize the group you were with had already left for the cruise ship!

Right now, it’s different. A lot different. Some people even refuse to purchase the beverage.

To all of our nurses, first responders, firefighters, police officers, and hospital workers who have stood in harm’s way to care for other human beings, thank you. Human beings who may be of a different race, religion, or even a different political party, thank you! The trauma and despair that you’ve all witnessed has got to leave a mark, and I pray that you will find peace someday soon!

To all of those who have lost a friend or family member to COVID-19, or complications related to the virus have devastated your family, our hearts go out to you. None of us were prepared for this.

To those who are continuing to recover and battle for survival, fight with everything you’ve got! Furthermore, to our scientists, doctors, test patients, and drug companies who are working feverishly to come up with a vaccine that can save hundreds of thousands of lives, we pray for your speedy success.

With all the uncertainty from financial concerns, to staying sane with social distancing, we all need to be more positive and make the most of the situation we currently find ourselves in. Be more thankful for the things you have and retain a more positive mindset for your personal well-being.

To the Master of the universe, we often underestimate how Your plans play out on the way to our conclusion, and it’s nearly impossible to completely understand why certain things happen, but we know that You are in control and that You will guide us through to the other side.

Let this be a lesson when you’re having a bad day, or worse… a crappy year! Know that this will probably be the hardest lesson you’ll ever learn. We must keep in mind, hard times are often blessings in disguise, and no matter how much it hurts, hold your head up and keep going!

To Your Success!